Green Party Admin, Author at Green Party Women Green Party Women sharing, supporting and campaigning for the rights of women and girls Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:03:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Green Party Admin, Author at Green Party Women 32 32 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:41:02 +0000 CEDAWINlaw conference motion not debated at 2024 Autumn Conference The motion is reproduced below. Conference seemed to spend a lot of time on GPEW business this year which sadly prevented members discussing all the motions they wanted to hear about and vote on. Motion E19: 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign:  “For the Green Party as a […]

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CEDAWINlaw conference motion not debated at 2024 Autumn Conference

The motion is reproduced below. Conference seemed to spend a lot of time on GPEW business this year which sadly prevented members discussing all the motions they wanted to hear about and vote on.

“For the Green Party as a whole and our four newly elected MPs to support and pressurise the new Labour Government to rectify this historical wrong as a moral imperative and finally get these women the justice they deserve.

Conference calls upon the Green Party of England and Wales and our Members of Parliament to:

  • Write to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to commit to the ADR with CEDAWinLAW representatives forthwith, stating our Party and Parliamentary support for the “The50s Women CEDAWinLAW Campaign” and CEDAW GR40 recommendation
  • Write to the Prime Minister for this purpose
  • Forward an Early Day Motion for this purpose, as necessary”

Write to your MP

As part of our support for the #50sWomen CEDAWinLAW campaign we are calling on all of our members to write to their MPs asking them to join the Cross Party Alternative Dispute Resolution Group for 50sWomen.

Green Party Women WRITE TO YOUR MP TO SUPPORT Supporting #50sWomen #CEDAWinLAW #RaisingWomensVoices #ForWomenAndPlanet

A template for doing this is provided below in Word format, or you can copy and paste from the template below into your preferred software.

If you are yourself one of the 50sWomen, you may wish to also add additional information about your own experience of the State Pension Injustice you have suffered and any evidence.

If you are not sure who your MP or how to contact them by visit or you can use WriteToThem, an online service that makes it easy to write to the politicians who represent you – even if you don’t know who they are.

Write to your MP – 50sWomen Template

Dear [Insert MP’s NAME],

Re. Compensating 50sWomen affected by State Pension age changes

Congratulations on your recent victory at the election.

I’m contacting you as a [Insert CONSTITUENCY name ] Resident to ask if you will pledge your support for Settlement-Talks for ALL #50sWomen detrimentally financially affected by State Pension age issues.

I support 50sWomen and would like you to join the Cross Party Alternative Dispute Resolution Group started by Sir George Howarth (previously Knowsley Constituency MP).

Will you do this please to represent me as my MP?

Any Settlement based on the PHSO Ombudsman’s Report alone will NOT represent Justice as he did not investigate discrimination.

50sWomen’s enforceable rights have been breached and restitution must be made.

Just under 4 million 50sWomen born in the 1950s were affected when successive governments failed to notify them of State Pension age changes. Some 50sWomen have been forced to sell their homes and rely on foodbanks as a result, and currently one 50s woman is dying every 13 minutes, without ever receiving any compensation.

50sWomen have been impacted and affected by many different factors including:

  • Gender PayGap
  • Gender PensionGap
  • Lack of Equity
  • Lack of Equality
  • Proven Indirect & Direct Discrimination

See:…/direct-discrimination-former…/ for breaches of UK and International Law.
50sWomen and I am watching and waiting for the Government and the Work and Pensions Secretary to act promptly to set up Settlement-Talks.

With one affected woman dying every 13 minutes, they simply cannot afford to wait any longer for justice. Would you please write to the new Secretary of State on my behalf and commit to raising this in the Commons?

I would be grateful if you could reply to me very soon and as a matter of greatest urgency. Yours sincerely,

[Please include your full name, full address and Postcode and a contact telephone number to show you are a constituent]

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#PlasticFreeJuly 2024 Mon, 15 Jul 2024 03:23:12 +0000 This year the Green Party Women Committee accepted the #PlasticFreeJuly Challenge to refuse single-use plastics for a month and find alternatives.  Plastic Free July is an initiative by the Plastic Free Foundation and is a worldwide movement, where millions of people join in to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Green Party Women #PlasticFreeJuly Top […]

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This year the Green Party Women Committee accepted the #PlasticFreeJuly Challenge to refuse single-use plastics for a month and find alternatives. 

Plastic Free July is an initiative by the Plastic Free Foundation and is a worldwide movement, where millions of people join in to be part of the solution to plastic pollution.

Green Party Women #PlasticFreeJuly Top Eco Tips

Throughout the month we have been be sharing resources to support the campaign. We have also been highlighting alternatives to plastics on our social media (X and Facebook).

We have been sharing our own #PlasticFree top eco tips. Some of our members and supporters have been sharing theirs with us too. Below is a selection of those we have highlighted so far.

Do you have a tip of your own that you would like to share with us? If so, email us at  with subject title #PlasticFreeJuly, and we will share your tip too.

#PlasticFreeJuly GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “Switch personal care and household cleaning products to bicarbonate of soda. Less packaging and exceptional for cleaning (sinks, bathrooms, surfaces etc.), absorbing odours AND surprisingly effective as a deodorant.” TINA ROTHERY, GREEN PARTY WOMEN CO-CHAIR
"I found a local independent green grocer where I can buy fruit and veg loose with no plastic packaging. Just fill my hessian bag old school-style and take it home!" 
#PlasticFreeJuly GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “I always try and buy food in bulk when I can to reduce packaging and use my own non plastic containers to fill up at shops that offer a affordable zero waste option.” AMANDA STONES, GREEN PARTY WOMEN CO-CHAIR
#PlasticFreeJuly GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “We save left over bits of lemon and lime and freeze them in glass boxes in the freezer so we are never short for a G&T” SUE CORNER, GREEN PARTY WOMEN MEMBER SIOBHAN SCANLAN, GREEN PARTY WOMEN COMMITTEE MEMBER
#Plastic FreeJ uly GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “I like my wooden pegs it makes it easy to get the washing off the line when the rain comes” JILL TURNER, GREEN PARTY WOMEN MEMBER
#Plastic Free July GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “I stopped buying bottles of shower gel and use bar soap instead. It is such an easy way to reduce consumption of single-use plastics” SUE WILLIAMS, ECO FEMINIST
#Plastic Free July GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “I take a reusable cup out with me so I don’t use one of those single use cups and just chuck it away.” LOPPY OUBRIDGE, GREEN PARTY WOMEN COMMITTEE MEMBER
#Plastic Free July GREEN PARTY WOMEN'S TOP ECO TIPS “I use waxed cloth instead of clingfilm. I chop little bespoke sizes from a roll and use string or elastic bands to secure. The pieces are also resuable -a quick rinse and dry, and you are good to go again!” JESSICA GOLDFINCH, GREEN PARTY WOMEN MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY
#Plastic Free July GREEN PARTY WOMEN TOP ECO TIPS “Use fabric shopping bags, jute bags or just old fashioned string bags” SARAH BINGHAM, ECO FEMINIST

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The Big Butterfly Count Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:03:48 +0000 The Big Butterfly count is on. Read on to find out why you should join in. Butterflies play a crucial role in the UK ecosystem, contributing significantly to biodiversity, pollination, and serving as indicators of environmental health. Their importance extends across various ecological and economic dimensions: Pollinators Butterflies are essential pollinators. They transfer pollen as […]

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The Big Butterfly count is on. Read on to find out why you should join in.

Butterflies play a crucial role in the UK ecosystem, contributing significantly to biodiversity, pollination, and serving as indicators of environmental health. Their importance extends across various ecological and economic dimensions:


Butterflies are essential pollinators. They transfer pollen as they feed on nectar, helping flowering plants including many crops and wildflowers, to reproduce. This also supports the growth of fruits, seeds, and the overall health of plants.

The food chain

Butterflies and their larvae (caterpillars) are an integral part of the food web. They serve as prey for various predators, including birds, bats and other insects. This role helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem by supporting the survival and reproduction of these predators.


The UK is home to around 59 species of butterflies, each occupying specific habitats and niches. These species add to the richness of the UK’s wildlife and provide aesthetic and educational value. The presence of a variety of butterflies can also support other wildlife, such as birds and small mammals, which feed on them or their larvae.

Indicators of Environmental Health

Butterflies are excellent bioindicators, meaning their presence, absence, or abundance can give scientists valuable insights into the health of the environment. Changes in butterfly populations can indicate shifts in climate, habitat quality, and the effects of pollution. This sensitivity makes butterflies useful in monitoring ecological changes and guiding conservation efforts.

The Big Butterfly Count

The Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey aimed at helping scientists assess the health of the environment. It has run annually since 2010.

Since the 1970s, butterfly and moth numbers in the UK have significantly declined, signalling broader environmental issues. Tracking their numbers helps scientists monitor the health of nature and informs conservation efforts

Join in

By joining in on the count we are contributing to science, a science that is essential for conserving our natural world and overall biodiversity.

Download your butterfly ID chart below and hop on over to the Butterfly Count website to register and submit your count: Together we can do this.

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Supporting 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:56:07 +0000 Just prior to the General Election the Green Party Women committee voted unanimously to join the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) group supporting the 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign. The ADR group was created by Sir George Howarth in 2023. It was a response to the CEDAWinLAW campaign and calls for ‘Mediation’ talks with the Secretary of […]

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Image of lady justice. Green Party Women Supporting #50sWomen #CEDAWinLAW

Just prior to the General Election the Green Party Women committee voted unanimously to join the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) group supporting the 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign. The ADR group was created by Sir George Howarth in 2023. It was a response to the CEDAWinLAW campaign and calls for ‘Mediation’ talks with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to right historical and current sex discrimination.

We think you will understand why we have chosen to support this campaign as part of this year’s committee aims to #RaiseWomensVoices and we are not alone in the Green Party.

When she was Party Leader, Caroline Lucas joined the ADR group. In the run up to the general election many of our Prospective Parliamentary candidates (PPCs) pledged to support the campaign, including our Co-chair Tina Rothery and Treasurer Anne Baker.

What is the 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign about?

CEDAW stands for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. CEDAW is commonly referred to as the international bill of rights for women. It defines what constitutes discrimination against women and girls and sets out a comprehensive framework for tackling inequality.

In 2019, the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women advised the UK Government to “take effective measures to ensure that the increase in the State pension age from 60 to 66 does not have a discriminatory impact on women born in the 1950s.”

When the UK government ratified CEDAW, it pledged to dismantle or avoid enacting laws or measures that adversely affect women more than men. The 50sWomen CEDAWinLAW campaign calls upon the Government to provide a financial remedy to 1950s-born women which they have neglected to do.

Historical sex discrimination

Pension Inequality

Women born in the 1950s have many faced challenges. The changes in the state pension age introduced by the then Tory government in 1995 has increased. These women, who often began work at age 15, were promised that they could claim their state pension at 60, but the age has gradually been increased to 65 and then to 66, to align with men. This change has had significant financial implications for women who had planned their retirement based on the earlier age and approximately 3.8 million women have suffered direct discrimination.

Additionally, many of these women, when in work, were advised to pay a married woman’s stamp (National Insurance contribution (NI) which led to a reduced state pension. This generation also bore the brunt of childcare and were not routinely made aware that any NI credited on receipt of child benefit would be accredited to the father if they did not receive it in their own name.

Workplace Discrimination and the Pay Gap

Women of this generation also faced systemic sex discrimination in the workplace, including unequal pay compared to their male counterparts. While progress has been made over the years, many women from this era still experience repercussions as they were unable to obtain a private pension.

50s women pension delay Report 2022

In November 2022 a report was published by former judge the Hon Dr Jocelynne Scutt AO on the plight of 1950s women who have waited up to six years to get their delayed pension. When the report was published Jocelynne presented it to Parliament.  You can view her speech below.

Finance and the NI Fund Shortfall

The amount taken from 50s Women has been calculated as £181.4 Billion.

In 2019 CEDAWinLAW along with other campaign groups negotiated a 58bn settlement and Labour called it a debt of honour, but has yet to pay up.

Other campaign groups were talking with the previous government about a settlement of £7 Billion. However, such a small sum will not provide any kind of justice for both the sex discrimination and maladministration, or for the financial losses 50s Women have actually incurred.

There is also approximately £80 Billion currently in the National Insurance Fund (NI Fund) which could be used to redress this discrimination.

There is also an estimated £271bn that is missing from the NI Fund, having been used for other purposes separate from the original intended purpose of the fund.

The NI Fund was initially proposed by William Beveridge. The National Insurance Act 1946 implemented many of Beveridge’s recommendations. It expanded the scope of National Insurance to include a wide range of benefits, such as old-age pensions, widows’ benefits, and sickness and unemployment benefits. The NI Fund was established to manage these contributions and payments.

Read more about NI Fund shortfall

Our aim

The 50s Women CEDAWinLAW campaign aims to support women born in the 1950s in the UK by addressing systemic issues that have historically disadvantaged them and we aim to support them.

We have already begun to explore the ways in which we can get the Green Party as a whole and our 4 newly elected MPs to support and pressurise the new Labour Government to rectify this historical wrong as a moral imperative and finally get these women the justice they deserve.

We will keep you updated on our progress.

In the meantime you can show your support for the campaign by signing this petition calling on the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to attend settlement talks re ALL #50sWomen!

You can also write to your MP asking them to to join the ADR group . You can use this Write to your MP 50sWomen template.

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Green Women in Action – Nataly Anderson Sat, 29 Jun 2024 08:44:23 +0000 Meet Nataly Anderson, one of the inspiring Green Party Women, tirelessly working to secure Green votes. We proudly celebrate the incredible women standing as parliamentary candidates for the Green Party. Nataly is currently standing as the parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Woking in the 2024 General Election. Having grown up in Woking, she knows the area and its people like the […]

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Nataly Anderson Woking Green Party Candidate #GetGreensElected

Meet Nataly Anderson, one of the inspiring Green Party Women, tirelessly working to secure Green votes. We proudly celebrate the incredible women standing as parliamentary candidates for the Green Party.

Nataly is currently standing as the parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Woking in the 2024 General Election.

Having grown up in Woking, she knows the area and its people like the back of her hand.

Nataly joined the Green Party in 2019, drawn by its sensible, humane, and holistic approach that prioritises both human and environmental wellbeing. With 30 years of experience in the public and private sectors, she is also a renowned campaigner for children and families.

In 2023, Nataly’s dedication to human rights was recognised when she was elected to the Policy Council of Liberty. Her passion doesn’t stop there; she is determined to halt privatisation in our public sector and is a vocal advocate for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Nataly is also calling for urgent reform of the family court system and promises to make it a top priority if elected.

Get to know more about Nataly Anderson and her vision by listening to her opening speech at the Woking hustings on Facebook.

Nataly says:

Stand with me to fight for clean politics and a healthy society.

Work with me to reclaim our human and legal rights in our interactions with public bodies. Public officials must represent the common good, not their own business interests.”

You can follow Nataly’s campaign and her vision for Woking on her Facebook page and X account.

And remember, if you are in Woking, VOTE NATALY!

Photograph of Nataly Anderson's Election Leaflet

Is your local candidate a woman? Do email us at or DM us on if you would like us to promote her.

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Green Women in Action – Diana Toynbee Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:38:14 +0000 Diana Toynbee, like so many of our other wonderful Green Party Women members, is working hard to secure Green votes. She features here as part of our celebration of the women who are standing as parliamentary candidates for the Green Party. Diana is a seasoned campaigner for the environment. She is also and a much loved Green Party Councillor in Hereford where […]

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Diana Toynbee
Hereford and South Herefordshire 
Green Party Candidate #GetGreensElected

Diana Toynbee, like so many of our other wonderful Green Party Women members, is working hard to secure Green votes. She features here as part of our celebration of the women who are standing as parliamentary candidates for the Green Party.

Diana is a seasoned campaigner for the environment. She is also and a much loved Green Party Councillor in Hereford where she represents the Greyfriars ward. She is currently standing as the parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Hereford and South Herefordshire in the 2024 General Election.

A mother with three grown adult children, Diana has a background in education. She has also worked for NGOs, Oxfam and the Alzheimer’s Society, and as a celebrant. She is a keen volunteer and currently volunteers with St Michael’s Hospice and Refugee Action.

Diana has a particular interest in engaging people in local democracy, and wants Hereford and South Herefordshire to be model clean, green and dynamic areas of opportunity that lead to a greater quality of life for the residents there.

In the run up to the election Diana has been out and about in the community and has had some interesting conversations.

Diana says:

“People are telling me they are fed up with the Red v Blue boxing match. If you want an Independent minded MP who will take your concerns to Westminster, fight for fair funding for Herefordshire, protect nature and prioritise our quality of life, vote for me on July 4th!”

Learn more about Diana’s campaign and her vision for Hereford and South Herefordshire on her Facebook page and X account.

Remember if you are in Hereford and South Herefordshire VOTE DIANA!

Is your local candidate a woman? Do email us at or DM us on if you would like us to promote her.

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Green Women in Action – Amanda Onwuemene Wed, 26 Jun 2024 09:53:34 +0000 This month Green Party Women are featuring our dedicated members working to secure Green votes in the 2024 General Election. Today, we are highlighting Amanda Onwuemene. Amanda is the Green Party’s  Parliamentary Candidate for Buckingham and Bletchley. Many of our members will already know Amanda. She is the party’s National Spokesperson for Policing and Domestic Violence. She […]

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Amanda Onwuemene. Buckingham and Bletchley. Green Party Candidate. 

This month Green Party Women are featuring our dedicated members working to secure Green votes in the 2024 General Election. Today, we are highlighting Amanda Onwuemene.

Amanda is the Green Party’s  Parliamentary Candidate for Buckingham and Bletchley. Many of our members will already know Amanda. She is the party’s National Spokesperson for Policing and Domestic Violence. She is also, a current, twice elected Green Party Councillor for Birkenhead and Tranmere, and Chair of Greens of Colour.

As a former nurse, midwife, health visitor, and lecturer currently working in Adult Mental Health, Amanda is passionate about increasing the funding, resourcing, and staffing of the NHS. She believes this is essential to ensure that people can have GP and dental appointments when needed and have access to properly funded Children and Adult Health and Social Services.

People over profits

Amanda is critical of privatisation, arguing that it hasn’t worked for post offices, railways, buses, utilities, or water, and it won’t work for the NHS either. She emphasises the need to take back control of services and prioritise people over profit. After years of austerity and neglect, she insists that all public services need improvement, which requires investment in infrastructure and people. She highlights the need to repair crumbling schools and hospitals, mend potholes, provide affordable housing, and ensure reliable public transport. Additionally, she believes everyone should be paid a decent wage and have access to green spaces and warm, affordable housing, making life enjoyable.

Caring and the environment

Amanda underscores the importance of caring for families, neighbours, communities, and humanity. She notes that the Green Party was the first to call for a bilateral ceasefire in Gaza and stresses that the party cares about people and the environment. The Green Party’s manifesto, scoring 98% as credible, aims to vastly improve the natural world, woodlands, and biodiversity.

Amanda questions the tolerance for sewage in the water system, polluted air, ineffective flood defences, unfair rent increases, and no-fault evictions. The Green Party understands that life cannot be enjoyed under the increasing stresses endured over the past 14 years. Amanda asserts that everyone deserves better.

She also outlines what the Green Party is offering: clean water, fresh air, free social care, and massive investment in public services to help people live longer and healthier lives. The party proposes rent controls, improved wages and work conditions, warm housing, unpolluted air, safe streets, and free education. Amanda argues that this is not utopia but a baseline and that the country cannot endure austerity for another four years.

Amanda highlights that the government has reduced its funding to Buckinghamshire Council by 53% over the last five years. She questions what the next four years will look like for the NHS, farmers, rivers, and energy bills without seismic change. The Green Party plans to heavily invest in services. reversing the destruction of the past 14 years, funded by a wealth tax of 1% on assets over 10 million pounds and 2% on assets over a billion pounds.

Amanda says:

“A better life is achievable. We all want comfort, peace and safety.

Vote for an MP who wants Parliament to represent you and not big business.

Green MPs are not whipped, that means we don’t have to tow the party line if we feel it wont benefit our constituents…and unlike the other 3 parties, we will not be punished for voting  in a way that works for the people that voted for us..

on the contrary, The green Party is aware that the one size fits all approach cannot work across a country where constituents needs might be completely at odds depending on where you live.

So if you want to be part of a real change’ a sizemic change to reverse the problems we are all facing due to the path taken by the present Govt and which will not change without the amount of investment outlined by the Green Party within our fully costed manifesto as agreed by BBC4!

Vote for me Amanda Onwuemene

Vote Real Change,

Vote for the Green Party

Learn more about Amanda by following her on her X account.

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Green Women in Action – Tina Rothery Mon, 24 Jun 2024 14:15:00 +0000 Green Party Women are highlighting their dedicated members working to secure Green votes in the 2024 General Election. Today, we spotlight our very own ‘Fracking Nana’ Tina Rothery, the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate for Blackpool North and Fleetwood in Lancashire. Tina is a Co-chair of Green Party Women and a vocal advocate against the shale […]

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Tina Rothery. Blackbool North and Fleetwood Green Party Candidate. #GetGreensElected

Green Party Women are highlighting their dedicated members working to secure Green votes in the 2024 General Election. Today, we spotlight our very own ‘Fracking NanaTina Rothery, the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate for Blackpool North and Fleetwood in Lancashire.

Tina is a Co-chair of Green Party Women and a vocal advocate against the shale gas industry. She is running for a fair political system and a healthier environment. Her campaign focuses on community well-being, including:

  • Ensuring a healthy, non-toxic environment
  • Providing access to healthcare and dental services
  • Guaranteeing the ability to heat homes and afford food
  • Offering decent care for elders and those in need
  • Creating opportunities and activities for youth, alongside fair wages and pensions for them to look forward to

If elected as MP for Blackpool North and Fleetwood, Tina will:

  • Address health threats from landfill, polluted seas, and rivers
  • Challenge Parliament to tax the wealthiest to stop the cost of living crisis
  • Advocate for the dignity and care of elders and those needing support
  • Promote green jobs in transport, renewables, and insulation
  • Tackle the lack of youth services and opportunities
  • Hold governing bodies accountable for their failures

Tina says:

“We deserve politicians who stand up for us and defend our rights, not just ‘toes the party line. For too long, we’ve endured an undemocratic voting system that has us voting for the ‘least awful’ at each election time. It is time for genuine change.

Families here and everywhere deserve better than the old world politics that have failed to serve us. Try something new this time. Don’t let the strangulation of a 2 party system hold your vote hostage.”

Learn more about Tina’s campaign and her vision for Blackpool North and Fleetwood on her Facebook page and X account.

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Green Women In Action – Serena Wootton Sun, 23 Jun 2024 08:54:53 +0000 As the 2024 General Election approaches, Green Party Women are shining a light on their dedicated members striving to secure Green votes. Today we are focussing on Serena Wootton. Serena is the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Yeovil in South Somerset. She is also a Councillor on Chard Town Council. Raised in a farming community […]

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Serena Wooten, Yeovil Green Party Candidate #GetGreensElected

As the 2024 General Election approaches, Green Party Women are shining a light on their dedicated members striving to secure Green votes. Today we are focussing on Serena Wootton.

Serena is the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Yeovil in South Somerset. She is also a Councillor on Chard Town Council. Raised in a farming community in Gloucestershire, Serena has been an environmental advocate since her early teens.

With a rich background in education and teaching, Serena rose to the position of Assistant Head, overseeing data and a sensory team. In 2017, seeking a shift towards nature and well-being, Serena and her family purchased a business with its own woodland in South Somerset. This move allowed her to explore sustainable living and ways to reduce environmental impact.

Upon relocating to Chard, Serena became actively involved in her community. She volunteered for the local school recycling collection, successfully raising funds for a bike rack. She also initiated the Plastic Free Chard Facebook page, mobilising businesses and volunteers to rethink single-use plastics.

Serena is a proud mother and foster carer. She also has a passion for swimming and other water-based activities, which she shares with friends and family. Her commitment extends beyond environmental issues to social justice, particularly advocating for children and young people facing challenges in accessing their local community, helping them play meaningful roles within it.

Serena is also a strong supporter of 50sWomen and has been vocal about her support for CEDAWinLAW and their wish to end the direct and indirect discrimination 50swomen have suffered. Watch this video on her facebook page to learn more.

Serena’s dedication to social and environmental causes naturally led her to the Green Party, so she is thrilled to serve as the prospective parliamentary candidate for Yeovil.

You can download and read more about Serena in the leaflet below, and remember if you are in Yeovil VOTE SERENA!

Is your local candidate a woman? Do email us at or DM us on Twitter if you would like us to promote her.

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Green Women in Action – Anne Baker Sat, 22 Jun 2024 15:02:49 +0000 Today’s Green Woman in Action is Green Party Women‘s very own Treasurer, Anne Baker. Anne, like many of our other wonderful members, is working hard to secure Green votes in the 2024 general election. Anne is standing as the parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney in Wales. Anne’s love of nature began when she moved to the suburbs as […]

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Anne Baker, Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney Green Party Candidate #GetGReensElected

Today’s Green Woman in Action is Green Party Women‘s very own Treasurer, Anne Baker. Anne, like many of our other wonderful members, is working hard to secure Green votes in the 2024 general election.

Anne is standing as the parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney in Wales.

Anne’s love of nature began when she moved to the suburbs as a teenager and had a garden for the first time. This love led to her first job as a gardener in a local hotel. Her love of nature has never waned and she is a keen nature photographer as well as a Green Party member.

Anne Baker and her Green party colleagues in Wales

Anne says: “I care passionately for the environment and social justice and have been involved in many campaigns over the years. I have lived in Blaenau Gwent since 2017 and feel honoured to have this opportunity to stand as the parliamentary candidate for the new seat of Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney.

I have been active in the community, supporting local food banks, helping to upgrade a neglected local park, supporting many local events such as the Horse and Dog show and Cwm Carnival.

If elected I would spend my time in Westminster on issues that concern us all: to protect the NHS, for improved transport links plus more jobs and affordable housing as well as protecting our environment.”

You can download and read more about Anne in the leaflet below, and remember if you are in Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney VOTE ANNE!

Is your local candidate a woman? Do email us at or DM us on Twitter if you would like us to promote her.

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