Building a More Inclusive Party

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Green Party Women have organised 2 great events for May 2024 with Hamza Egal, EEDI Manager for the Green Party.

For the first Hamza will be facilitating an online focus group ‘Green Party Women: Building a More Inclusive Party‘. The event will start at 7pm on Tuesday May 7.

The goal of this focus group is to gather insights from Green Party women on experiences of inclusion (or lack thereof) within the party and identify strategies to create a more welcoming and empowering environment.

The session will last an hour and a half and you can register on green spaces to join the focus group. Come along and share your views and experiences in a friendly, supportive session.

Green Party Women Online focus group
Building a More Inclusive Party
Tuesday May 7
Facilitator: Hamza Egal
EEDI Manager of the Green Party
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