Restore Nature Now March

Supporting Restore Nature Now. Saturday June 22. Pledge to march at RestoreNatureNow. com

Green Party Women have pledged to join the Restore Nature Now March on Saturday June 22. We would like as many of our members and supporters to pledge to come and join us.

Why join the Restore Nature Now march?

In the UK all our native species are at risk due to rivers and seas being polluted. According to the march organisers wildlife numbers are in a downward spiral. 1 in 6 British species at risk of extinction, and floods and droughts becoming more extreme as we see the escalating effects of climate change.

The UK is set to fail to meet its own legal targets to restore nature and reduce climate emissions.

Green Party Women along with a wide range of groups, from leading nature charities like the RSPB to environmental activists like Extinction Rebellion, are urging everyone who cares for nature to march with us to make a simple demand to all political parties: Restore Nature Now.

The demonstration aims to be the biggest gathering of people for nature and climate that the UK has ever seen.

Where to join us

We will be meeting at Hyde Park Corner at 12.00pm. Look out for the Green Party Women Banner to find us.

Follow us on X and we can DM you details if you’re lost!

View on map.

WHO has pledged to join the Restore Nature Now March?

Below is a selection of our committee and members who have pledged to join us.

Photograph of Tina Rothery 

“If we fail to restore nature, there is no future. This isn't a choice, it's essential for survival.”

Tina Rothery Green Party Women Co-chair

Restore Nature Now
Saturday June 22
Pledge to march at
Photograph of Loppy Oubridge “I want to protect my grandchildren from growing up in an uninhabitable, nature depleted world.” Loppy Oubridge Green Party Women Committee Member Restore Nature Now Saturday June 22 Pledge to march at
Photograph of Jill Turner “Water is life - we want to swim with the ducks and the fish in clean  unpolluted rivers” Jill Turner Green Party Women member Restore Nature Now Saturday June 22 Pledge to march at
Photograph of Amanda-Jane Stones
"Nature isn't just a photo backdrop; iy's the life force that sustains our world and all the creatures in it." Amanda-Jane Stones Green Party Women Co-chair Saturday June 22 Pledge to march at
Photograph of Diane Green "Lose nature and we lose life. Greed is destroting our world." Diane Green, Green Party Member. Restore Nature Now. Saturday June 22. Pleadge to march at
Photograph of Jessica Goldfinch “Imagine you could hold our world in your hands. Awesome and precious, you'd want to cherish and protect it...wouldn't you?” Jessica Goldfinch Green Party Women committee member Restore Nature Now Saturday June 22 Pledge to march at
Photograph of Sue Williams "Without nature, we are nothing. I'm marching with Green Party Women to be the voice for the voiceless." Sue Williams Green Party Women committee member Restore Nature Now Saturday June 22 Pledge to march at

Campaigns Environment Green Women in Action Nature Raising Women's Voices

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