This year the Green Party Women Committee accepted the #PlasticFreeJuly Challenge to refuse single-use plastics for a month and find alternatives.
Plastic Free July is an initiative by the Plastic Free Foundation and is a worldwide movement, where millions of people join in to be part of the solution to plastic pollution.
Green Party Women #PlasticFreeJuly Top Eco Tips
Throughout the month we have been be sharing resources to support the campaign. We have also been highlighting alternatives to plastics on our social media (X and Facebook).
We have been sharing our own #PlasticFree top eco tips. Some of our members and supporters have been sharing theirs with us too. Below is a selection of those we have highlighted so far.
Do you have a tip of your own that you would like to share with us? If so, email us at with subject title #PlasticFreeJuly, and we will share your tip too.