Green Women in Action – Anne Baker

Anne Baker, Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney Green Party Candidate #GetGReensElected

Today’s Green Woman in Action is Green Party Women‘s very own Treasurer, Anne Baker. Anne, like many of our other wonderful members, is working hard to secure Green votes in the 2024 general election.

Anne is standing as the parliamentary candidate (PPC)for Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney in Wales.

Anne’s love of nature began when she moved to the suburbs as a teenager and had a garden for the first time. This love led to her first job as a gardener in a local hotel. Her love of nature has never waned and she is a keen nature photographer as well as a Green Party member.

Anne Baker and her Green party colleagues in Wales

Anne says: “I care passionately for the environment and social justice and have been involved in many campaigns over the years. I have lived in Blaenau Gwent since 2017 and feel honoured to have this opportunity to stand as the parliamentary candidate for the new seat of Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney.

I have been active in the community, supporting local food banks, helping to upgrade a neglected local park, supporting many local events such as the Horse and Dog show and Cwm Carnival.

If elected I would spend my time in Westminster on issues that concern us all: to protect the NHS, for improved transport links plus more jobs and affordable housing as well as protecting our environment.”

You can download and read more about Anne in the leaflet below, and remember if you are in Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney VOTE ANNE!

Is your local candidate a woman? Do email us at or DM us on Twitter if you would like us to promote her.

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