Candidates Answers to Hustings Q7 : Party Governance & Leadership

Party Governance & Leadership

Given the high turnover of GPRC/GPEx roles, there are concerns some party members are standing for high-level positions with poor grasp of role expectations and often stand down. Some roles wield more power with less accountability which was addressed in the holistic review, however it’s implementation has been consistently delayed.

Will the holistic review do what we need it to do for the green Party or will it entrench more power in a handful of roles?

7. Shahrar Ali    83 wc 

Certainly improvements can be made. I generally support the Conference Voting Reform Working Group proposals for Delegate or Representative conferences, such that it becomes easier for all local parties to send delegates who will represent their views, as discussed and agreed at local meetings. However, whatever our constitutional provisions, there will always be the possibility of corruption. I want to see a renewal in this Party of good faith debate and unity around the most important issue of the day, the climate emergency.

7. cleo Lake      48 wc

I think from my understanding the formation of the council as outlined in the review to be largely positive. I believe it should aid diversity in leadership and give each liberation group a seat to be represented wider than just one equalities officer as is the present situation.

7. Rosie Sexton     20 wc

I think the holistic review will be helpful in moving the party forward, and would like to see it implemented.

7. Amelia Womack     99 wc

As one of the longest serving GPEx members, I believe it’s important we address the high turnover so we can develop an institutional memory and benefit from experience gained within the party. I have recently worked with the CEO on how we need better training and support for all GPex and GPRC members as well as those on other committees so that there’s a clear understanding of expectations in the role, a clear process on how to deliver in it as well as ensuring we are giving people the tools to do the jobs e.g. training in reading accounts.

7. sian Berry & jonathan bartley     179wc

The Holistic Review reforms and plans for incorporation make a number of important changes, not least taking away the implied burden of role-based GPEx roles and creating a governance based Political Executive instead, along with the creation of a new Council, which we really hope will create more ways for people to be involved in the running of the party in clearer, more flexible, family-friend and more influential ways. There will be dedicated posts on council for liberation groups including Green Party Women, and a number of non-portfolio roles in GPEx and Council for election by members, for which we hope Green Party Women will aim to select candidates to campaign for to give you a stronger voice. The next steps for creating the new constitution are through motions to Autumn Conference to hold a special conference on the constitution at the start of 2021, at which any amendments to the draft detailed constitution based on the HR proposals that you can think of to improve the gender balance and accessibility of roles like these would be incredibly welcome.

7. Andrea Carey Fuller     241 wc

Everyone needs to be represented on the new Green Party Council (merging of GPEX and GPRC to 45 ‘seats’)

I support the proposal of 2 seats per region = 18 seats in total and 2 seats for Wales which takes the number to 20 seats.

However, in my view the other 25 seats in my view should be shared out as follows:

Elected Councillors should be allocated 10 seats instead of the proposed 5 – with at least 6 out of 10 for women Councillors – and at least 3 of these to be Greens of Colour

I do not agree with the heavy weighting giving too much power to Young Greens – instead of the proposed 5 seats I would allocate them 2 seats (Members @6K)

Green Party Women should also be allocated 2 seats (Members @7K)

Green Seniors should also be allocated 2 seats (Members @3.K)

Greens for Animal Protection – should also be allocated 2 seats (Members @5.K)

LGBTIQA+ should also be allocated 2 seats (Members @3.K)

Greens of colour – 1 seat (in addition to reserved 3 on elected councillors)

TU Group – 1 seat – (and at least another 2 representatives as union members – e.g. elected councillors) NB: This Group are not currently represented on action network

Jewish Greens – 1 seat

Green Left – 1 seat – currently not on action network – not recorded on civi

Green Party Disability Group – 1 seat

Elections Hustings Answers

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